Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Practice Hiatus

Due to the fact that the German Club is going to be a hub of activity for the Adelaide Fringe and the aptly dubbed "Mad March" in Adelaide. We have decided to have a little break from practice for a few weeks as they need the space for shows and other things.

So Why not take the time to check out some of the free events, as well as some of the paid shows.

Something that is always impressive is the Fringe Illuminations it is free and a nice way to spend a warm summer evening, maybe strolling with an ice-cream enjoying some visual delights.

The Digital Playground is another free event, play with some VR and other Hi Tech Gizmo's.

It opens this weekend with lots of free entertainment on Friday and Saturday night, with the Fringe Parade on Saturday.

So Enjoy Mad March and we will see you on the other side.  Keep an eye on posts to see when we are starting up again, or drop us a line.

On a side note we do have some performances that are not associated with the fringe through this time, and if required practices will be arranged with the venue to be decided.