We are a group of volunteers who all have busy lives in their own right.
So please don't take silence on our site as lack of life in the group. Quite the contrary. The group has done three performances this weekend, and many over the last few months. We have a couple coming up also.
However, it is a challenge to keep up with all the commitments of the social media and blogs and full time work and families so we will only sporadically update this blog.
I encourage you to check our Facebook page for more regular comings and goings.
We also occasionally upload video on the YouTube Channel also, but it is a slow process (as Australian internet speeds are pretty poor for uploading), so they are not always up to date.
But If you have any questions please contact us through our contact page.
We are looking for new members, of any skill level so if you have ever wanted a great way to learn to dance for next to nothing drop us a line.