Sunday, 6 May 2018

Still Dancing - New members wanted

Wow. We Just realised that we have not posted anything on the blog for a long time.
We manage most things through Facebook these days, so have been quiet here.
There is limited time for the small volunteer team to keep up with everything.

We have a friendly group of dancers consisting of a people of various ages and skill levels. We are however looking for new members, so please get in touch if you might be interested.

It is a very cheap way to learn some dancing and have some fun, it is free to try for several sessions so come along.  We still practice most Sundays at 4 pm.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Practice Hiatus
Due to the fact that the German Club is going to be a hub of activity for the Adelaide Fringe and the aptly dubbed "Mad March" in Adelaide. We have decided to have a little break from practice for a few weeks as they need the space for shows and other things.

So Why not take the time to check out some of the free events, as well as some of the paid shows.

Something that is always impressive is the Fringe Illuminations it is free and a nice way to spend a warm summer evening, maybe strolling with an ice-cream enjoying some visual delights.

The Digital Playground is another free event, play with some VR and other Hi Tech Gizmo's.

It opens this weekend with lots of free entertainment on Friday and Saturday night, with the Fringe Parade on Saturday.

So Enjoy Mad March and we will see you on the other side.  Keep an eye on posts to see when we are starting up again, or drop us a line.

On a side note we do have some performances that are not associated with the fringe through this time, and if required practices will be arranged with the venue to be decided.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

AGM & Annual Dinner

Our annual general meeting and annual dinner are on this Sunday.

The meeting and dinner are open to all interested parties.

It means that we will not have our usual practice so no one will be at the German Club at 4 pm.

However the meeting will be at 5pm and the dinner 6 pm.

We encourage all people interested to come and join us.

This year members who have been coming to practices and actively participating in the group will get a meal on the house.

See our Facebook post for details.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Back in action - Practice begins again

Hi All,
Practice begins again this week (October 19th 2015).
Hope to see you all there.
Please let us know if you are not going to be able to make it.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Practice times

Hi all.

We have had some great time with new members learning the dances.  They are picking it up well.

It has been awesome to see new people perform too.  Well done to those who have performed for the first time.

As for Practices.

We are having a couple of weeks off.  Practice will resume on October 18th. 

We look forward to see you then.

Remember to check our facebook page for other quick updates.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

No Practice 19 July 2015

Hi All.
Just a reminder follow us on Facebook to keep up with the practice schedual.
There is no practice this Sunday (19/7/2015).
But next week we will be back to dancing up a storm.
We hope to see you then.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

DVK at the Bavarian Cabaret

The Enfield Brass band, as the Klemzig Oompah Band, is hosting the 
Bavarian Cabaret.

We will be dancing and having some fun on the night.  We encourage everyone to come and enjoy some fine Warm 'Bavarian' style music and dancing.